EAL 07: Becoming the Change You Want to See in the World


It is so easy to find ourselves complaining about what is wrong in our world - because there is plenty that is wounded, out of balance and even in crisis mode in our world. 

However, at times like this it is more important than ever to ask ourselves if we are more focused on finding someone to blame… or whether we are also willing to see if we are practicing some of the same choices that we resent in others? This kind of self-evaluation takes real courage.

However, if we want to see true healing and transformation in the world, that change must start with you and with me!


Comment below briefly HONORING someone in your life who DOES show up... who follows through. Just use first names.
Let's inspire each other, with an encouragement that there are people we can count on!


TIME stamps go with the Audio Version

1:15 Creating a life of meaning, value and purpose

1:30 What can I do, when the issues are so big?!

2:00 All change starts with one person… joining with others who become involved. Together we are much more powerful.

3:00 (1) Identify what is frustrating to you. One thing you want changed.

    Example: tired of politicians being dishonest. no follow-through.

3:30  Look to your own life. Make sure you are practicing the healthy alternative.

    Example: Do you say what you mean, stand in your truth and follow through with what you have said you will do?

4:30 Fear can get in the way of your clear choices.

7:15 If you want to see change in the world, you must start with yourself.
Then you KNOW it is possible.

8:45 We have seen people being called on the carpet for their actions in 2017.

9:40 Violation and disrespect. 

10:05 (2) Stand up for your own values and interrupt support for those who make choices that oppose those values.

10:45 Those choices even impacted big conglomerate, Fox News

11:20 Get their attention through their pocket books.

Where you invest your money, time and energy has power… particularly when you join with others of similar values.

13:00 Make sure you are practicing the values you are demanding from others.

13:45 (3) Become an innovator and an inspiration of healthy alternatives. Don’t let venting, which is quite helpful in our lives, be your main choice.

14:30 Direct conversations in healthier directions. Be a healthy example, without judgment.

16:30 Any one of these three things will inspire others with healthy choices. One heart has then inspired change on bigger and bigger scales. Be the change that you want to see—through what you practice.


I really want to hear from you. Let me know what changes you are excited to see in the world!!!

Stating it out loud here will give it more power... and make it more real for you.

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