IN THE EYES OF THE PUBLIC, RON BAKER HAD BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS, playing lead roles in operas and Broadway shows around the world. However, on the inside, he felt empty and insecure. Something important was missing from his life. Then, a chance encounter on a bus changed everything.

What follows is an epic saga of spiritual empowerment like no other—from the channeled urgings of Archangel Gabriel for Ron to reframe his entire life, to the planet-shifting quests in the Great Pyramid of Egypt and on the mountaintop of Machu Picchu in Peru.

Full of practical guidance that will help you take powerful steps on your journey, as well as priceless clarity about the unprecedented shifts that are taking place in the world today, Bright Lights, Big Empty invites you on the adventure of a lifetime—revealing a depth of personal transformation that few imagine possible.

Ron’s “Introduction to the book” Videos:


Personal Note from Ron:

We live in a world that is in desperate need of healthier approaches and solutions. In this book, I not only reveal a clear map of the journey from being stuck in wounded, survival choices to a state of reliable self-value that has already proved invaluable in thousands of lives…

I also explore some rare perspectives about what is behind the unprecedented shifts in our world over the last few decades — and it is good news indeed!

When people find out how the events taking place are actually attempting to guide us into the most exciting opportunity in history — the awakening of Soul consciousness — they often feel relieved, motivated and inspired to finally be clear that there are distinct steps they can take to become more proactive and empowered in a time that is more typically associated with feeling confused and powerless.

When we feel clear about what is taking place, we can make more confident, effective choices. That is the main reason I am sharing my journey so openly and honestly. I want more people to experience what I do… trusting that this can become the most exciting, fulfilling time we have ever known. 


And the book is also available on if you prefer to LISTEN to me narrate the story. Enjoy!!!

Click here to get your audio version.

An excerpt from the Introduction:

Even as a child, I just knew there were deeper truths about Life and why things happen as they do than people around me were able to offer. While so many things about the world seemed unfair and confusing, I always had a nagging feeling that so much more was possible. What I could never have guessed, however, was how exciting, challenging, and inspiring the path to those more complete answers would become, or that the reason my initial hunches never wavered was that they were coming from the deepest part of myself: my own Soul.

I will begin my story in 1990 because that’s the summer when every- thing changed for me. Making my debut on a major New York City stage became the gateway to doing more than sixty leading roles on important stages around the world. Though I’m grateful for all of it—singing with celebrities, dining with royalty, sharing the stage with two Supreme Court justices—these beautiful opportunities are not what ultimately led to extraordinary levels of personal fulfillment.

Those achievements, exciting as they were, did not have the power to outweigh my constant inner battle with emptiness and Self-doubt.

Fortunately, other doors opened for me as well that summer—this time as two pivotal connections. One became my dearest friend and business partner, and the other was a profound teacher whose wisdom blew my mind. Not only did he provide priceless clues for resolving my fear and doubt; he also showed me how to align with my Soul purpose.

My hope is that the journey I now share with you—which reveals the specific steps that allowed me to immerse myself in this new sense of Self-value—will help you understand how to make similar enhancements by learning to become the nurturing authority in your own life.

Know that no matter where you find yourself in your journey, jumping into healthier, nurturing choices is always an option. I’m glad you’re here and that you’re willing to explore possibilities with me. When you have a deeper understanding and alignment with your own journey to Self, so much more will be possible. The choices you will begin to make will be a clear investment in what is most important to you, rather than doing what I initially did—magically hoping some outer achievement, job, or relationship would be the main source of fulfillment. You hold the power to make the biggest difference in your own life, and that is exciting.

Having a clear map of the journey to empowerment and transformation is invaluable…
as well as understanding the unprecedented changes that are taking place in the world — and how to work WITH them!