EAL 000: Beginning an Intimate Conversation about Life
I am so excited to begin an intimate conversation about life with you. I grew up in a world where people didn’t talk about anything—anything important anyway. I have always been a seeker of fulfilling truths about life and how to tap our deeper potentials. And I discovered that the path to solutions in our lives starts with a willingness to have a real conversation.
In this opening episode of the podcast, I look forward to sharing more about my life and my passion for improving lives—starting with my own. Over the last 25 years I have had the privilege of teaching thousands of people around the world in a unique approach to life, based on creating the nine nurturing experiences that we all seek more than any other thing.
I hope you will join in this conversation and find out how you, too, can create a life that gets better and better and better…
And find out about my vision for joining together one million proactive nurturers to create a profound impact on our rapidly changing world!
Comment below, letting me know the kinds of things you would like me to talk about in coming episodes. It would mean the world to me if you get involved here.
Time stamps for the Audio verion of this episode...
0:00 Bee Medicine - working together to create a successful hive
We need one another to deepen a conversation about solutions in our world.
Intro to my background. 3:00
Planetary shifts. 3:50
How to get to know self, tapping deeper potential 5:40
Most Podcast conversations 7:30
This conversation - inner solutions for self and solutions in our world…
Al Gore Movie - An Inconvenient Truth 8:15
A planet in crisis.
Taking responsibility for being a part of the solution 10:00
Earth has begun to shake under the pressure 10:50
An Inconvenient Sequel update 11:35
Getting less attention from the public - too scary?
Symptoms of Accumulated, Adolescent choices 13:45
Need to get clear about specific Adult choices
Take responsibility for what is out of balance in our own lives 14:30
The old approach to life is no longer working 14:50
stuck in the unknown, unsure what is coming or where I want to head
Three levels of consciousness in your body 16:00
Child consciousness - survival consciousness
Adult consciousness - empowered consciousness
Soul consciousness - consciousness of our greatness
Can’t grow into the 2nd two rings of consciousness till we face
the inner wounding (a planet stuck in survival consciousness) 17:15
Have taught people how to resolve those limits for 25 years 17:50
Journeys to sacred sites and a world education 18:15
Worldwide events - millions have gathered to learn/participate 19:00
Now we have to learn how to integrate the energies of higher potentials 19:40
25 years of successful transformations 20:00
When we work together, we are exponentially powerful 21:05
Trusting Life can get better and better and better 21:25
Want YOU to get involved 22:00
safe place to be educated, nurtured and heard
Who am I to make a difference? 22:25
You are the hope for the future
In wounding, we feel alone. 23:00
Reach out to me… become a part of the conversation 23:20
let me know what interests you and what you want to talk about
Accelerations we see in the world are happening in our bodies 23:45
We are shifting from one planetary stage of evolution to the next 24:20
Community of healthy soul family 25:10
Healthy Global Community is possible!
Opportunities - Facebook lives. weekly videos/podcasts 25:45
Reach out ron@ronbaker.net or Empowered At Last with Ron Baker
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