Moving Out into the World More Fully
Hello to all... I first want to say thank you to all of the new visitors who have been finding the blog here at Your lovely comments and encouragement have been very touching. And I am glad that more people are starting to visit here. I have only had the blog up for a very short time... and there will be much more to come over time.
The title of this blog is simply to state my intention to finally move more fully out into the world with the message of empowerment that I have to offer. We live in a world that is desperate for healthy, clear "life education."
Life education? What does that even mean?
From my travels around the planet, it seems to me that our world has sorely lacked the ability to educate and model many, many things. We have not been educated to even value ourselves as individuals in many ways... with so much pressure to imitate those who came before us... to agree with the limits of past comfort zones...
We have been held in the initial conditioning of doing what we perceived was the "right" set of choices... so that we could avoid upsetting and creating conflict... and being rejected if we were to make some "wrong" choices that stretched the comfort zones too far.
I imagine the frustration that follows this pervasive pressure has stifled many potential pioneers and innovators over time. Imagine how the ones we are now grateful for felt to push the envelope with their arrogance... "The world is NOT flat!" "The Earth is NOT the center of the Universe!" "Much more IS possible for each one of us!"
Wait a minute... who said that last one? Well, ME for one. The great news is that we have reached a time of acceleration on the planet with unprecedented shifts. We can see it all around us... and yet, most have little awareness that the same accelerations are trying to take place within us.
I, as one of many, have been on a search for deeper answers... that would allow us to claim the inklings that much more is possible... as a REALITY!
I am thrilled to say that in the last decades my search has allowed me to not only gather a vast body of information from around the world... but also a deep pool of experience, as I have applied many new approaches in my own life. I now live in depths of experience, meaning and value that I couldn't even imagine 20 years ago!
And I have dedicated my life to sharing that body of information and approach to life with others. For the last 22 years, I have been sharing the clear layers of information and simple, but powerful tools with clients. It started out in NYC, but has become a body of clients all around the world.
Word of mouth has been the only advertising... and yet it has allowed hundreds and then thousands of people to begin applying layers of this pioneer's approach to truly LIVING life, awakening as individuals who value themselves... and are constantly surprised at how safe and nurturing it can be!
From that word of mouth, I have been completely booked and busy... and out of the trust that 100% of the people make such clear forward moves, I am finally interrupting the cycle to move more fully into the world with this exciting message.
My first speaking event will be speaking at the Messenger's Summit in San Diego in March, 2012. And the launch of this website into its official form will take place in March, 2012 as well...
I am so excited. It has been heartbreaking to watch people everywhere in such need... needing a clear life education that would allow them to create lives that constantly get better and better and better. Watching, and knowing that I could truly help. And now, with this website, I am finally able to pass on much more of what has made such a difference in my own life.
So I hope that you will all help pass the word about EmpoweredAtLast. And I hope that you will not only read the blogs... but that you will invest in yourselves with the Course. There is no way for me to adequately convey what you will gain by investing in yourself in this way.
I hope to be able to share more fully with each one of you. Blessings... Ron