A VITAL Soul Context for the Overturn of Roe v Wade

Dear Soul family…

First, let me send lots of compassion and love to ALL women on this day.

And then let me remind us all that when things happen in the world, particularly upsetting things, I find it so helpful to put things into a Soul context. I have often been comforted by the perspectives shared by Archangel Gabriel and other higher beings over these last 30 years.

I remember a distinct day when one of them informed me that I was still stuck in duality (the fight of two sides, making one right and one wrong). I was surprised to hear that, as I had worked so hard to work through the fear, shame and judgment that I knew would hold me in those limitations.

What was then revealed was that I was judging this time we are all moving through, as if it needed to be “healed and transcended” as quickly as possible. They then assured me that this time is CRUCIAL for our learning curves. This is a sacred stage of learning and awakening. They also reminded me that as challenging as it is for the personality to wrap its head around — particularly the wounded child part of all of us, to consider — ALL things are there to serve us, to inform us and to inspire us.

I was happy to have had time to practice considering these perspectives today when the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade, essentially taking away each woman’s right to decide what to do with her own body.

I certainly wrote to tons of women in my life to say how sorry I am that this is the lesson on the table on June 24, 2022 (interesting numerology talked about below!)

What I want to share today is based on what I believe is an important REVELATION OF DUALITY.

In order to heal something that is out of balance, we must do our best to see it clearly. Only then can we respond effectively and efficiently.

Duality is taking what is intended to be a healthy part of reality - POLARITY in all things — two sides of the same coin, and jams it into the judgment of right and wrong.

Instead, we have been a world immersed in duality, in more ways than most people have ever taken the time to consider.

Anything we judge, about ourselves or other or the world around us, holds us in a limited perspective. IF we are all here to have lessons, grow through challenges, and ultimately emerge more conscious and inclusive — perspectives understood by the Soul — then we need ALL the parts. All choices. All perspectives that can teach us, inform us and inspire us toward balance.

Because most of us didn’t get this unconditional acceptance of Self growing up — our most authentic Self — we instead bought into what we interpreted or were taught was good/bad, right/wrong, lovable/unlovable about ourselves (and the world around us).

This very conditional way of seeing Self leaves us in fear of being wrong, bad or unlovable. In an attempt to compensate, we often believe we MUST BE RIGHT!!! (making anything that does not agree with “me” WRONG!)

This is the crux of what holds duality in place!!!!

This is, of course, a perspective of the personality and mostly of the wounded child.

The deeper truth is that we need all of the options to learn the lesson of “what sets me up well, and what does not?” “What leads to more love and sacred acceptance and what does not?”

IF we are a world of duality, then we can’t embrace INDIVIDUALITY — the NEED for each individual to be able to make their choices, make their mistakes and have their crucial learning curves.

Living in a world that can only consider ONE PERSPECTIVE (and it better be “MINE!!!”)… then we will always be at war with one another — different individuals, different races, religions, cultures, countries, etc…

These are symptoms of this “sacred stage of DUALITY.” hmmm.

At the same time, much of duality is held in place because we haven’t understood the deeper realities of being on Soul journeys.

Such as the fact that we have countless lifetimes to learn these lessons and that the Soul is eternal — NOT based on the duality of heaven and hell as eternal reward/punishment for being WRONG/BAD/ UNLOVABLE…

but as an eternal opportunity to face every level of lessons and challenges… all designed to teach us, to inspire us through what works well and what does not, what inspires loving, sacred acceptance and what does not.

On a Soul level, there is no death. This one perspective alone would be profound in healing the issue of whether to bring a fetus to term, based on each person’s individual circumstances, preparation, and ability to support a child in the world at any given time…

Today’s decision came straight out of the playbook of “it had better be MY way"… which leaves some people who are learning through that level of consciousness feeling affirmed that this re-inforced limitation is the “right thing” to be imposed on every woman…

while others who are readier to consider a more individual approach have different feelings to process.

For instance, most of the people I know who are “pro-choice” — supporting each individual to choose, still encourage that we all make responsible choices… but simply hold a space for EACH person to learn from the mistakes they make along the way — while still needing to deal with the natural consequences and feelings that come out of each choice.

IF we consider that many of the people who are choosing the more limited approach of this issue — one that makes demands of all people are likely acting from their convictions, dedicated to the perspectives they have been taught early in life or are simply choosing to embrace at this time…
then that set of choices ALSO needs a space to be explored and honored — even if we have charged feelings to process first — if we are to truly going to be able to transcend duality.

This doesn’t mean that we agree or condone or go along with another’s choices.

Where to do we go from here?

IF all of the people who are embracing a more inclusive, individual approach to Life will start with processing and nurturing their deep feelings about what is taking place at the moment, we will all be able to start from a space of deeper compassion for everyone…
WHILE also championing any more inclusive, individual approaches that we have grown into.

This will allow us to deepen the conversation and the much-needed response… so that we can use these huge triggers to finally come together more fully, letting our voices be heard. Standing for what we consider more and more evolved choices.

We all have a voice. We have the ability to share with compassion what we believe serves the good of the whole… and we can let our voices be heard proactively, peacefully, and passionately… at the voting booths and through what people/companies/situations we choose to support, acting consciously about where we invest our money, our energy and our focus.

These are starting places. And we would all be well-served by compassionately investing in an education about being on Soul journeys, which encourages us to look for the most inclusive choices that serve the good of the WHOLE. We can actually find solace in those deeper truths, while getting used to being on more inclusive long-term journeys toward the light… learning how to love and value ALL individuals along the way.

First we need to understand that we are likely going to see DUALITY raising its wounded voice to be heard more and more fully. Just look back at the last decade and you will find lots of examples, I feel sure.

IF we can understand that it is fear, attempting to control out of fear…

We can still come together, not in opposition, but simply in joining together with others who can become MUCH more powerful together — standing FOR a more inclusive, evolved approach to Life, NOT OPPOSING and judging. This is more of the same, simply backed up with Spiritual Duality or Arrogance.

These are starting places… that will inspire people to speak up, to stand strong, and to show up as more empowered individuals willing to work together to create more effective solutions.

We are now living in a world that is being supported to awaken and transform, all based on higher levels of energy than anything we have known in recorded history. As the vibration and frequency of our individual and collective energy rises, so does our consciousness and our capacity to see wiser truths.

This rising energy NEEDS us to learn how to work WITH these changes, in order that we might awaken and become more conscious, compassionate individuals — leaders and pioneers who live into constantly growing, more effective choices. To model and to lead. To take responsibility for encouraging and educating those around us into the BENEFITS of letting go of DUALITY.

There are so many things one could say, but I believe this is more than enough to begin digesting and considering in coming days.

Please become part of this conversation. These are the things that we will be discussing, as well as seeking to implement proactive solutions in the Global Tribe for Transformation. Check it out on this website. RonBaker.net

Love and peace, compassion and inclusion to all of you. That is my wish on this very challenging day of June 24, 2022. (The numerology for that date is 6-6-6 — the number associated with the OPPOSITE of love that has been in so many prophecies.) Just sayin’…