Gabriel's Overview of 2023: A Year of Magnifying Our Commitments

Channeled through Ron Baker…

“Dearly beloved, we are most joyous to be in your divine presence. We are more than happy to come at this time and speak about next year. It will be a year to remember!

There is so much stress and strife going on in the world. There are so many systems that are shaky, that need to be revamped and reconsidered. There are so many systems that have been pushed out of balance, as you have moved into the depths of DUALITY.

What you have all known over the last 2000 years is the impact of a ray of consciousness that has been teaching you how to explore life through DUALITY — the opposition of two sides.

That cycle of learning is attempting to now come to a close, as you begin to integrate a new ray of consciousness — one that will support you to move toward unity consciousness, focusing on that which serves the good of the whole.

In order to show you unmistakable signs that you need to make this shift, you need to understand the heightened sense of duality that you have moved into as a whole. The imbalance created by duality (the judgment of good/bad, right/wrong) has your world shaking to the core.

Before we go further, let’s take a moment to understand DUALITY.

Duality is taking the natural balance of Life itself, which exists as a scope of experiences. Duality comes out of people learning to judge one end of that scope as bad and wrong, something to be avoided at all cost. The easiest way to illustrate this is by looking at your feelings. All feelings exist with two sides, which is what creates a scope of possibilities — such as the spectrum of sad to happy, frustrated to peaceful or powerless to powerful.

Instead of having learned to embrace the entire scope of any of those experiences — which allows you to move from one side of that scope to the other — you have all too often learned to fear certain experiences. “Oh, I must avoid feeling sad or frustrated or powerless,” not understanding that those experiences are actually meaningful and necessary. Each feeling allows authentic parts of you to be experienced, and each side reveals what is needed in your life.

For instance, it is only when you admit and allow yourself to feel “frustrated” that you can become clear what the frustration is about — when then empowers you to respond to whatever situation has not been working for you. If you did not have the capacity to feel that feeling, you wouldn’t have any way of interrupting your habitual routines to discover what is out of balance/not working well for you. When you embrace any feeling, it acts as a messenger that can guide you to whatever you need to face or nurture or adjust.

For instance, only when you ALLOW yourself to feel sad at various times can you mourn the loss of something, understand the sensitivity that you have about certain events, or discover where you have been holding onto some specific result you thought of as the “only acceptable outcome.” When you allow yourself to feel that feeling, you create a meaningful experience of intimacy with yourself, and you then free yourself to evaluate and respond to the outer situation that triggered the feeling in the first place.

When you instead RESIST any feeling experience, you grip and move into greater limitation and friction — which is what actually creates emotional (and sometimes physical) PAIN. Then you learn to associate the pain (of your resistance) with a specific feeling. All the while, the feeling was there to serve you, to get your attention, giving you a chance to nurture, respond and look for effective solutions that you didn’t know to apply. This is what enhances you life moving forward.

Over time, deepening your resistance to one side of the scope of any experience, you end up claiming that one side is good and the other as “bad” — which only came because you created friction and pain from resisting “frustrated” or "“sad.” Please know that this has never helped anyone avoid those feelings moving forward. You can only change your approach and understanding of your feelings and how each one is there to serve and inform you.

DUALITY is the state of being that you develop out of practicing the option of resistance and judgmentand in DUALITY, true solutions are not actually possible.
You cannot create healing solutions out of resistance, avoidance and judgment.

So let’s look further at the example of “powerful and powerless.” Both experiences serve you. In this case, they both help you to evaluate what capacities you have already build and own and which capacities you still need to develop. When you have claimed a capacity, you are “powerful” to use that ability to respond and create solutions in any situation.

Let us say that you are handed a message on a sheet of paper. If you have never taken the time to develop your capacity to read, then you will experience feeling “powerless” to decipher the message.

This does NOT mean that you ARE powerless.

You simply trigger the feeling, which then guides and motivates you, revealing your need to study and learn to read. You then need to be willing to seek help and move through a learning curve. Once you do, you move more and more fully to the other side of the feeling experience… and you feel “powerful.”
”I can read this! I am empowered to use what I have built to create even more solutions in the world!”

The challenge is that when most people feel “powerless,” they have already learned over time to shut down. They will often go into self-pity, shaming self for having a limitation, or blaming someone else for why they have this limitation. These are the wounded choices of children who have never been taught another, more effective approach. All the while, there is no shame necessary in the discovery that you are powerless where you have not developed skills and capacities. You simply need to feel safe enough to make the revelation that you now need spend time making a new choice, searching for creative solutions.

The challenge is that DUALITY holds you hostage to shame and judgment — symptoms that lead us into the grips of fear. Living in a world that has been held in duality for so long, you haven’t had many models who have been able to encourage a more evolved approach and understanding.
This has been the duality of the last 2000 year cycle.

The opportunity of this time — which is an accelerated time of unprecedented awakening that is attempting to take place — is the rising of SOUL consciousness. And the Soul knows that the healing alternative you all seek is called POLARITY. You have the same two sides, but you begin to understand that BOTH sides of every experience are sacred opportunities to learn, to reveal what sets you up well and what does not.

Let’s look again at “powerful and powerless.” Being free to feel both sides give you an ability to evaluate where you have already spent time developing some facet of Self. You will naturally feel “powerless” where you have NOT yet spent time exploring, discovering, trying something out, having a crucial learning curve that reveals a broader spectrum of solutions and possibilities.

Feeling “powerless” is not meant to be a justification for shaming, for judging. You ALL begin the journey of your lives immersed in “powerless.” As infants, you are powerless to do anything, unable to feed yourselves or to even walk around. And yet, you do not typically look at an infant and say, “Oh, what a shameful thing. That little being can’t do diddly-squat. They are so weak and unloveable.”

When you see an infant, you are more likely inspired to see the miracle of Life, and a sacred individuals who holds tons of potential that is yet to be revealed and explored. If this remained to be the perspective that people practiced, there would be a natural explosion of possibility as that little person grew and evolved.

Habitual, conditioned DUALITY has instead taught you to habitually slip into judging “powerless.” They can’t choose. Can’t evaluate. Haven’t learned. Don’t know all the answers.

This is a habitual choice that you all need to revisit at this time. Because for your entire lives, the deeper truth is that you always remain just as sacred as you were as an infant — just as full of possibilities. And you all NEED to support and encourage one another to continue exploring and blossoming into more of those untapped potentials.

The world needs to shift into this new approach of sacred innocence, compassion and generosity at this time — more than you likely know.

If instead of remaining caught up in the habitual shaming and blaming, acting out, resenting, condemning and even destroying one another — which are simply the choices of wounded children who have been impacted from no one knowing how to initially introduce them to the beautiful concept of POLARITY.

POLARITY — understanding that both sides of each experience are there to serve you — opening you to the options of showing up, making discoveries, sharing your discoveries, inspiring one another with those discoveries; coming together so that your creative impulses feel safe to share and explore. You all need to feel supported, encouraged and safe to show up for your crucial learning curves — related to each and every facet of your lives. This is the innocence of POLARITY, the inspiration of POLARITY.

Finally, we are ready to move to the year 2023.

You now live in a time when the Soul energies are rising for the first time in your history. And this is the same Soul energy which has always set up your lessons and curriculum for each lifetime — even through the 2000 year cycle of duality and the idealism that you have just moved through.

That idealism of that cycles is mostly based on the MYTH that there is only ONE right, best, acceptable and lovable possibility. Even in this stage of having been exploring DUALITY, it is the Soul that has guided you to discover how many limitations are created when you are stuck in fear, shame, judgment, blame and opposition.

You have now reached an unprecedented stage of evolution when the Soul is beginning to penetrate your physical world and lives, attempting to get your attention with the wake-up call: “If you continue beating your heads on the tree of DUALITY, you will break down. You will not only exhaust yourselves, but you could even destroy all innocence and trust. You will destroy the brilliant, inherent gift that you see in every infant — the gift of untapped potentials and possibilities."

If you continue on that familiar path — and many will — you will accelerate a destruction on your planet in the year 2023, we assure you. It will now accelerate in ways that you have not witnessed in recent history. This will accelerate, because the impact of the Soul energy acts as a relentless reflection of your commitments and choices.

The channel who is bringing this message often uses the metaphor of full-length mirror. If you choose to fight, to resist, to push or destroy, imagine you are doing that directly into the mirror. What comes back to you is the natural reflection of your own choices!!! You are fighting you or others who will reflect your choice. You are opposing you. You are putting the energy of destruction out in the world.

This is the beautiful Law of Resonance and Attraction.

No matter what you put out in the world, Life will reflect you in some ways. And the Soul will now amplify this. it is inescapable. The Soul is indeed penetrating for the first time in your history… attempting an expansion that is unlike anything you have known. A return to innocence. A return to understanding the deeper potentials that have been held inside you the whole time. A way for you to heal the wounds of DUALITY.

The Soul will now begin to reveal for those who seek, a realm of possibilities, a scope of possibilities that can literally lift you out of the horrific breakdown, pain, struggle and suffering that will be accelerated if you do not listen.


It is a seven in numerology. 2 + 2 + 3 = 7

Seven is a number of spiritual completion. It can be the completion and the culmination of this cycle. The end of rushing further into the destruction of duality. The cycle can end that way for those who choose that path. OR it can be the end of the cycle that launches you into a spiritual, Soul-connected purpose and awakening.

Which path will you choose?

The systems and approaches that come out of fearful children who are habitually protecting “me, me, me. I have never felt supported or fulfilled. I must make my choices all about me trying to get what I can, trying to get some gratification in my life.”

This is the approach of a wounded child who doesn’t support that loving support is even possible. And it has been true. And that is because you have all been immersed in the destructive choices of duality for such a long time.

In order to get your attention, the Soul is now amping up the consequences of those choices. If you don’t pay attention and learn from the impact of those choices when they are small, you end up needing bigger consequences. This is how a healthy parent attempts to discipline children — for their ultimate learning.

First, let’s discuss the choice you just made and let me clarify how that doesn’t serve you. When you make it again, I will send you to your room for five minutes… and then 20 minutes or perhaps and hour. This is so you will have time to think about what we have discussed. And then we will discuss possible alternatives that will set you up better. No matter how far you push the learning curve, I care enough to help you and support you toward healthy solutions.

The SOUL is now acting as your ultimate parent. It is your Highest Self, which is coming at this time in an attempt to get your attention. To reparent you all, saying that “if you continue in this way, you will tear down what you have built so far — the systems and structures that are intended to serve the good of the whole, as well as a sacred trust that solutions are even possible. That is what you will destroy in the same old choices of duality.”

This will accelerate in unprecedented ways. And yet, if you hear this message and others like it, and you show up like a sacred infant who has felt powerless, but is now willing to awaken and explore possibilities, seeking ways to love, support and value — both self and one another — then you can begin a movement. A MOVEMENT OF THE SOUL.

That will allow you to move toward empowered awareness. Becoming more and more powerful in the scope of this one facet of polarity. And there are many that we could have chosen to explore.

Life is attempting to awaken you all into a realm of innocent empowerment, trust, support, mutual value, reciprocity, sacred awareness of one another and all of Life around you. Trust that SO much more is possible.

But you have long been entrenched in the destructive choices of duality, sure that there is “no way” you will be safe if you attempt to trust others. But we are telling you that part of the gift of this accelerated Soul parenting — which will bring all things into Light in a different way, will not only show you an accelerated breakdown or healing transformation — it will awaken your consciousness into realms of possibility and solutions that never seemed clear to you before.

Just like an infant cannot see the gifts of a six year old, or a 26 year old or a 46 year old — even though those potentials were always held dormant inside you — The Soul will accelerate the awakening of more that has remained trapped behind the walls of DUALITY and DEFENSE. It can be unlike anything you have known. But you must pay attention and be willing to interrupt the destructive choices of mistrust, fear, control, domination, blame and shame and opposition.

These choices do not serve you. However, those choices or the healing choices of POLARITY will indeed accelerate in 2023 - A Year of Magnifying Your Commitments.

The fate of the world is in your hands. You will need nurturing tools and a proactive approach that empowers you to shift what has been habitual. It will not magically happen from a new intention. You will need to seek out those important tools from individuals who have already dedicated years formulating healthy approaches.

You will need to heal the remnants of wounded narcissism that can only lead to destruction and separation, and shift to the brilliant learning curve of innocence, willingness, meaning, value, purpose and mutual inspiration. New alternatives that serve the good of the whole.

You will need to be willing to learn like children — who don’t already have all the answers — but who can see the wisdom of this new approach.

So seek out solutions, which often involves guides and teachers. People like this channel have spent decades developing tools and approaches that set you up for health and well-being, mutual value, healthy communication, the inspiration of new possibilities where everyone is served.

2023 will accelerate and magnify your commitments and you will see the world divide.

Those who immerse themselves in deeper destruction. And those who choose to come together, moving toward Soul purpose, Soul possibility. Soul-utions! Moving into the Light of an awakening.

2023 will play its part as an “accelerator,” a distinct catalyst of magnification and you will see many things more obviously than you ever have.

Start by asking yourself now… “Where do I stand? What do I choose?” Don’t be naive in thinking that you have no remnants of duality that need to be faced. The more you face and then apply tools that set you up well, the more you will be able to take your place in this new paradigm of Soul purpose.

You all have tremendous learning curves ahead of you. Those of you who have been doing inner healing work, looking to nurturing the wounds that have held you in DUALITY will be needed as leaders and guides, inspiration for those who haven’t begun this part of their journeys.

Stand as living examples of what is possible at every level. Even if you are newer at this, stand as an example of what is possible after your first year of healing, after your fifth or 50th year of growth.

Stand and move toward the Light of the Soul, helping one another into the magnification of healing possibility — the beacon of POLARITY, where ALL things serve. The entire scope of experience is constantly trying to reveal for you what works well and what does NOT set you up well. Make adjustments. Seek answers, tools and solutions that embrace and nurture your whole process — including your wounds.

Do not get caught up in spiritual arrogance, judging those who are still clearly held in DUALITY. Do not do it. That is only Spiritual Duality. That is a stage most move through. It does not serve. Remember that ALL stage of learning are sacred. ALL stages.

Pull the full-length mirror back out and now imagine this statement as you look into the mirror.
”Judge NOT that ye be not judged.” If you judge, it is YOU judging YOU. And judgment will be reflected in your life.

And now imagine sending the energy of acceptance, compassion and encouragement. That is what you wil be offering yourself and will attract more fully from others. This can become your new commitments, which will now be magnified! Choose light and see more light.

You cannot escape the magnification of whatever you choose. The Soul mirror wil now increase in unmistakable ways in 2023 and continue from there.

Heed the message. Seek out others who have been building healthy tools and approaches. You deserve to have the advantage of processes that can take you step by step into the sacred innocence of new choices and solutions. Lives that get better and better and better, even in this time of accelerated magnification.

No matter where you find yourself, do not make the mistake of burying your head in the sand, thinking this storm will pass you by. The Light of the Soul penetrates every facet of your world. Come out of denial and hiding. Become proactive. Explore, choose, seek, discover… and move toward Soul-utions!

This is what stands before you in 2023. As always, know that no matter what you choose, you remain sacred in your learning curve. You cannot escape the sacredness that is YOU. but you can certainly color the quality of the experiences that you will manifest, depending on which path you choose.

This one loves to say, “Choose well. Live fully. And by all means, be good to YOU — which is the starting place for remembering to love others as well.”

We take your most joyous leave and remember you to love with all your heart. Even if you are at the beginning, like a sacred infant who is teeming with possibility!”

- Archangel Gabriel

If you need help in taking some clear, effective steps into POLARITY and empowered healing that I have been sharing with thousands around the world, please reach out.

InspirationalRon Baker