Gabriel's Overview of 2022: A Descent into the Womb Space

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“Dearly beloved, children of Light, we are most joyous to be in your Divine presence. This is the greetings we have used for decades of teaching, guidance and connection.

We have come at this time to speak about the year 2022. This is a year that will be full of turmoil and strife in many ways, we are afraid we must tell you. This is mostly because so many people in the world have not developed a true willingness to embrace change, working with the higher energies that are attempting to shift you from one level of consciousness to another, encouraging you to discover new gifts and opportunities.

The more willingness any of you has developed, the more graceful your journey will be.

No matter where you find yourself in the process of growth and evolution, this will be a year when many things will accelerate — or should we say, continue to accelerate. Higher energies have been activated over the last decades, and many of you have begun to prepare for an unprecedented shift of evolution into Soul consciousness.

These shifts require that you let go of the limited ways you have operated — ruled by fear, shame and judgment; defense, separation and opposition. These have been the distorted, wounded approaches you have employed at this last level of your learning.

It is now time for you to evolve into more effective choices — learning to focus on that which serves the good of the whole. However, like wounded children who haven’t been taught that such things are actually possible, you have become quite addicted to your symbols and outer structures. However, rather than understanding these are tools, with which you can create meaningful experiences, most have used these things to distract and compensate for not having a trusted sense of Self-value.

You are all sacred beings on profound Soul journeys. We have affirmed this message countless times, but very few of you have truly been aware of this deep truth in your day-to-day realities, stuck in the wounded approaches that are familiar — but unfulfilling.

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You are now being asked to face all that is out of balance in the world… needing to respond to all that is unhealed. Duality has permeated your cultures around the world, because those cultures have been created by humans stuck in those limited perceptions. Who is right? Who is wrong? This approach will ALWAYS leave you with winners and losers. There is no room for individuality, where each person is simply facing the lessons that are perfect for them, at the Soul level they have reached.

We have been addressing these things over the last many years in our Overview messages.

2019 was a year that we called “A Year of Reckoning,” when you were intended to begin taking responsibility for your accumulated choices.

2020 was a year of “Creating a New Vision” for yourselves, preparing to replace the old approaches that you discovered no longer work for you. You were even given some unexpected interruptions in that auspicious year — created by a pandemic and some unprecedented global lockdowns.

On a Soul level, this could have been the perfect opportunity to have time, to get still and evaluate your lives.

Then in 2021, we introduced “An Eruption of Duality.” Though the energies are present throughout the world, there was a clear eruption on January 6 in the United States, with an attack on the Capitol. Two opposing sides, doing whatever was necessary to push their perspectives and agendas — with almost no sense of coming together with a clear commitment to finding solutions that serve the highest good of the Whole.

This has never worked, and in this time of accelerated commitments, many people have deepened their commitment to those old approaches. And if you do not wake up to wiser choices and approaches that are focused on value, respect and honoring of all, the consequences will become dire. And then the wake-up call will be that much more difficult to turn around.

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And now, in 2022, you will move into an even deeper dive. Energetically you will be making a “Descent into the Womb Space,” preparing to move through the birth canal. This will be a time of powerful endings, with the seeds of new beginnings hinting and drawing you toward the light of the heart.

The womb space is a reference to the subconscious mind, which is located in each of your bellies. This is much like the hard drive of your nervous systems, where you hold the programs or approaches of your lives. This is where you hold the emotional and mental energies — including any wounded energy of fear, shame and judgment that you have accumulated along the way.

It is now time for you to land more fully in those subconscious energies, hopefully prepared to offer the new visions you have been formulating for yourself and the world around you. This process will feel much like re-parenting the wounded child. And for those of you who have been preparing — developing a more empowered, nurturing Adult part of Self — you will be the most successful at allowing this powerful transformation. Either way, this will be a process of negotiating with any of those old energies that no longer serve, as your Souls attempt to inspire a rebirth into the more fulfilling potentials you also hold inside you.

However, it is important to understand that as you prepare to move into the birth canal, you will likely be squeezed that much more fully. This natural part of the process of transformation is actually an encouragement for you to let go of more of the things that which no longer serve. Nothing that works against this new level of Life will be able to get through the birth canal. In other words, your own Souls are doing their best to make sure you are refined and prepared, much like a parent would ask a child to release some of their limited, fearful choices in order to explore a more fulfilling set of options.

In order for the Adult Self to emerge in your histories, you had to let go of many childish things. And in order for the Soul to emerge, a new level of purification and refinement will also be necessary. This is the evolving direction that your planet is moving through, whether you choose to flow into the opportunity or to resist. You always have the choice of free will.

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A new world is being prepared. You have had 33 years of messages and encouragement since the Harmonic Convergence took place (1987). 33 is a sacred configuration of the Christ/Soul energy that was demonstrated by a world teacher 2000 years ago. This is the amount of time he had to prepare before facing the Crucifixion and Resurrection into his highest Self.

These are archetypal representations of a shifting cycle of energy that you now face as a planet.

Your Souls are starting to penetrate your physical lives, ready to move you into a level of fulfillment that you have only begun to imagine. Some of you have prepared beautifully for this shift and expansion.

This is a process that we have often called a planetary mid-life. This is when energies have typically tried to move you through an awakening and transformation similar to puberty — when you shifted from one stage of consciousness and potentials into a much more enhanced access to your potentials.

In mid-life, you have typically experienced a break-down and a decline. This has come from the new surge of energy slamming into the blockages of fear, shame and judgment you had accumulated. And instead of an awakening, you moved into the option of bringing one lifetime to a close, preparing for another chance to learn and grow. This has been the process of your death and rebirth process thus far.

However, at this time, you are being offered the opportunity to clear those blockages and to awaken into the potentials of Soul embodied for the first time in your Soul journeys. This is an opportunity most rare.

If you have not prepared, this will become a time of accelerated turmoil and strife, like a more confused child.

No matter where you find yourself, these shifts are constantly encouraging you to wake up — to pay attention to what serves you and what does not. New options that set you up more effectively are always accessible.

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The time is now. This will be a year when you will see whatever is held in the subconscious reflected back to you in a more powerful way than ever.

You must now face who you have chosen to be. The squeeze of the birth canal will encourage you to wake up. it will encourage you to seek new choices. It will encourage you to come together. You will wake up to the reality that you need one another.

However, until the familiar is interrupted, the wounded child part of you is more interested in gratification and distraction from challenge than they have been willing to make wiser, adult choices.

This is a year when the world will more fully divide into thirds — which has been a concept in your prophecies, like in the Book of Revelations from The Bible. This will be a division, based on your commitment to fight for the old limits, to open to the new possibilities or to simply leave, because you are not choosing to go through this shift in the physical.

All choices are sacred. You are all lovable, no matter what you choose. But certain choices will lead to pain and certain choices will lead to greater freedom and fulfillment.

You will either face the birth canal willingly, or you will fight and it will be more like a breech birth, which is not a pleasant experience. Either way, the birth of the Soul is coming.

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It does no good for us to avoid sharing these truths. We want you to recognize what is taking place, so that you will be more likely to make wise choices.

A great place to begin is in the interruption of being so caught up in blame. Who is right and who is wrong? This will never serve. People are merely exploring options at various levels of learning and development. Stop blaming and judging. Simply learn to set yourself up well and then come together with others, learning to stand for the principles and values that you SHARE.

Only as more of you demonstrate the healthy options and solutions, even in small groups that can inspire others, will your planet have clear options and leaders that they choose to follow. Each of you is important in this process. You are all needed to serve the good of the whole.

Your true strength and power come from learning to come together in mutual support. You are all facing challenges and need one another to practice new explorations, new choices that stretch you beyond old limits. You need to learn to trust that loving support is indeed possible. That is what will be most inspiring and meaningful.

You need to proactively choose to face your challenges, allowing the support of others, as you reflect and return that energy to others. This is mutual support, the balance of giving and receiving that will form a foundation for the new to be born.

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Pay attention. Who have you chosen to become so far? What have you used this time of planetary interruptions to work on? This evaluation will become that much more important, as you now move into the womb space and begin to move into the birth canal.

You have already begun to see how many of your systems are out of balance, having been created for a certain level of learning that is now coming to a close. You need to work together to explore solutions, learning together with patience and more compassion than most have practiced thus far.

This is a sacred stage. This is a sacred opportunity. It is all attempting you to move into the qualities of the heart space — which is defined by conscious choice, conscience, compassion, connection, willingness, courage, forgiveness and a focus on the sacredness of all Life.

You are all loved so profoundly by the Divine. You have been handed free will to do whatever you choose with your lives. And yet, within that process, Life move. Evolution happens. There is a Divine Plan for all of you, which will always encourage you to a more fulfilling set of choices, much like wise parents wish for their children — constantly encouraging them toward the choices that will set them up well.

So much of it is in your hands. Choose well. Live fully and remember, as you are able to love one another.”

— Gabriel

If you need help and guidance in order to respond or make healthier choices, please reach out. Educating people into the choices that set them up well is our genuine commitment.

InspirationalRon Baker