Gabriel's Overview of 2021: An Eruption of Duality


Personal Note from Ron:
Gabriel’s message is quite direct this year. As a matter of fact, for the last few years, the messages have been shifting in this direction. The reason is that we are in an unprecedented time of transition and evolution on the planet—moving from one stage of consciousness to the next as a whole.

The core prediction is for an “eruption of duality” — the opposition of two sides. We have seen this brewing in the world, and certainly in the United States over the last years. And since the election in the US, we can perhaps see its evidence unlike ever before. So many people, who seem to be on two different sides, opposing one another.

If we are going to heal this accelerating tendency, It is important to understand what is causing it.

There are tremendous levels of light that have been downloading into our lives, attempting to bring us from one level of consciousness into the next levels of our personal and collective potentials. When powerful, high vibrational energies begin to move in our bodies, they try to clear the blockages that stand in the way of our growth. This means the denser energies of our emotional wounds — fear shame and judgment — are being encouraged to rise.

Only when something rises into the light of day do we have access to nurture and re-educate these parts of our wounded histories. What most people don’t understand is that our wounded emotional energy is often frozen like a wounded child… that deeply needs to be nurtured and re-educated into wiser perspectives and approaches.

That process, which also involves releasing our old wounded emotions, can be quite nurturing and safe. However, in order for that to happen, we need clear nurturing tools — which most people don’t at this point, it seems to me.

Until we clear the charged energy of fear — which can be triggered when someone has an opinion or perspective that differs from our own — we will continue to attract situations that mirror what we hold on the inside. This is the Law of Resonance in action.

Basically, you can tell whether you resonate with fear and shame by looking at how calmly you approach conflicts and misunderstanding. IF you go into defense and anger, you can be sure that you have wounded feelings that are being triggered. IF you go into the conflicts calmly, willing to work out the misunderstandings, then you are already aware of what is possible when you clear those old energies.

If we look at the world as an overview, we are seeing more opposition, defense and blame of anything and anyone that does not agree with our particular views and approaches more than ever.

“Who is good? Who is bad? Who is right? Who is wrong?? What is truth? These are wounded perceptions that will never allow us to work together toward solutions that serve the good of the whole.

There have been many leaders around the world who have been encouraging duality and divisiveness as well. While this is deeply disturbing, we can also see how it is serving on a Soul level. IF these leaders are successful at getting us to move into opposition and defense, they are at least showing us that we, too, hold imbalances in our individual bodies that need to be nurtured and re-educated.

If we are wise, we will see our current rise of duality as a necessary stage and an opportunity to ask for help — so that we can gather some nurturing tools that will allow us to finally resolve duality in our own lives. A collection of individuals healing duality is what will become groups and then more of the collective healing.

If, on the other hand, we move more fully into blame and separation, we will move more deeply into duality and the people who want to control the masses will be successful.

Archangel Gabriel is suggesting that we are now moving into an “eruption of duality”. 

This is because the vast majority of the population is still stuck in some level of inner conflict and duality. And even those of us who have done inner work may still have important layers we have yet to face.

At the same time, trust the beautiful gestures and movements you have already made and use that as a motivation to double down on your nurturing investments in Self and in those around you!

If you need help and guidance to make even more healing shifts in your life, know that I am one option for learning a more empowered, healing approach to your life — one that allows for clear resolutions of fear, shame and judgment. I have been guiding people into consistent resolutions for twenty-five years.

I will now share Gabriel’s Overview for 2021:

Dearly beloved children of light, as you know we are called Gabriel. As always, we are most joyous to be in your divine presence.

2021 is a year we are calling “an Eruption of Duality”. This will be a year when you will reveal the wounds of the inner child that you have been holding inside. Very few things happen for the wounded child that doesn’t involve an eruption of emotion. We have been encouraging you for several decades to learn how to resolve those inner wounds — nurturing and releasing the wounded perceptions and the charged emotional energies.

Learning to go inside as empowered adults in a nurturing, proactive way is the most elegant way to resolve those energies. However, even when people choose to put off facing their individual challenges and frustrations, the evolution of Soul plans continues forward. You are all sacred individuals on extended Soul journeys; and your Souls only care about learning how to love and value—starting with Self, one another and the planet on which you live.

Just like the journey you experience in a single lifetime, moving from the primitive awareness of a child into more evolved levels of your potential, your Souls move through a much larger learning curve over the course of many lifetimes. The Earth has been serving those journeys, supporting you to move from one stage of your learning curves to the next for much longer than you might guess. At various times, there are major shifts of evolution, which encourage you as a mass consciousness to move from one grade to the next. This is indeed what is happening on your planet at this present time, and has been happening for the last few decades.

Many people in the world find themselves stuck in survival choices, much like a wounded child who doesn’t want to take responsibility for facing their challenges, not wanting to have to grow up and face that part of their realities. The wounded child would rather distract with gratifications, putting the responsibility on someone else to do the work that they don’t feel prepared to do. 

However, the Soul knows what is needed and when it is time to face the core challenges—which is the process that typically allows you to discover and develop deeper levels of your potential. The time for some major forward moves, initiated as a shared Soul choice, is now. 

This will be a year when duality erupts in a more complete way in the world. This has already been gradually acceleration through disruptions, corruption, imbalances and crises. These will become more apparent in 2021 than ever. Your world is deeply divided as a whole. You find yourselves caught in the throes of separation, defense, fear, shame and judgment.

We have been coming in to deliver a message for the last 30 years to this channel and through this channel, preparing him as one emerging teacher who understands clear alternatives for healing duality. So far very few people have chosen to prepare the inner Self. This time will be easiest for those who have chosen to prepare. Those who have learned to nurture Self will be able to transcend the perceptions of duality. Those who have not will find themselves more and more at war with themselves.

2021 will be a year when the wound will erupt. People will find themselves in deeper mistrust, pent up anger and frustration. You all need guidance, hope and nurturing processes for working through your wounds.

You are entering a time of deeply wounded negotiations. Many Souls will choose to leave, who are not ready to face this level of challenge. Do your best to hold a space for those sacred choices.

This will be a year when duality comes to a head. The voice of wounding, which has been “acted out”, is now crying out unlike ever before. If you do not have tools and a nurturing approach, you will tend to look out at others in blame and shame. Blame is the outer movement of wounding. “I don”t want to blame myself, so I will deflect and project my wounded feelings.” All the while, blame serves no one.

The path to healing is realizing that you have been operating with a missing education, lacking a clear understanding for resolving the wounded inner child. This will become more apparent in 2021. The rise of duality. 

This will be a year when the wound will rise unlike anything you have known in modern history. From the perspective of the Soul, this is not bad. It is an opportunity to find out how much you need help and guidance. We encourage you to seek out those teachers who have prepared to teach, guide and nurture, empowering others into a more complete understanding. 

There are deeper answers and more fulfilling approaches. There are healing alternatives for the wounded child that is held within you all. However, history has shown that until someone comes face to face with the depth of their wounds and the impact of their wounded choices, they rarely become willing to interrupt the trajectory of a wounded agenda. Distracting and gratifying. Trying to escape from the gaps, the limits. 

The wounded child is formed when you are children, looking to mommy and daddy as the source. When they don’t know how to offer the complete education and tools that you need, the wounded child looks for mommy/daddy replacements. When no one seems to have answers and solutions, the games of distraction and blame begin.

The wounded narcissism, a replacement for a trusted sense of Self-value, takes over. I will get what I want. I will look out for my needs. I will gratify myself in whatever ways I can.

The wounded child who doesn’t know how to value Self, cannot value others or the planet. We have stated these things for decades. We are hoping to plant seeds, to interrupt and to awaken the deeper seeds of truth that are already held inside you.

When you get tired enough of blaming, shaming, fighting, distracting and even destroying in the name of justified frustrations, we hope you will allow the deeper truths that are seeded inside you to rise as well. You each have a capacity to love and to value. And yet, when your wounded feelings are triggered, the survival choices tend to be sought out first, as wounded children.

“I don’t like how I feel. Therefore, I am going to act out. I am going to shut down, distract and numb out. If anyone questions or challenges me, I will lash out.” These are the patterns of a wounded child.

We share these things with great compassion, hoping to get your attention. There are healing alternatives to each of those choices.

We honor whatever you choose. You learn from every choice—revealing that which sets you up well and that which does not. You have free wills, but the wounded child needs to be education and nurtured into a deeper understanding. “You shall know the truth and the trust shall set you free.” 

There are wiser truths, but you must become willing to find out how they apply to you, through nurturing and championing yourselves. If you continue to act out as wounded children, you will simply have more mistrust, hurt, separation, divisiveness. Your own choices will accelerate the problem.

You stand on the threshold of the eruption or the revelation of duality.

You cannot escape the consequences or the impact of your collective choices. This has never been possible. However, we remind you once again that there are teachers on the planet who have dedicated their lives to healing Self, valuing Self—learning how to champion and transform Self. 

People who are ready and willing to take steps toward the deeper truths that shall set you free from fear, shame and judgment have already discovered that this is true, and those approaches need to continue deepening and responding to the rising wounds in your world.

Only handfuls of people at this point have truly invested to the depths that are necessary at this point on your planet. We applaud each of you who have taken steps in this direction. We encourage you to continue and to encourage others into similar choices. You will all need to support one another as you move more deeply into this time of rising duality.

The shifts of those who have been learning to nurture and empower themselves have been profound. We know that many more of you are on the verge of showing up to resolve the wounded myths that you carry. We know that showing up to face your wounds can seem scary to the wounded child part of Self. However, we assure you that you will be safe when you focus on nurturing and educating those wounded perspectives—particularly when you seek the help of those who have already learned to nurture and value themselves, those who have learned to feel safe with the process of facing feelings.

Love is possible. Healing is possible. Authenticity and mutual support are possible. Resolving your wounds is entirely possible.

Freedom from duality is possible. This channel is constantly inspired watching those he teaches transform and free themselves from the grips of the wounded child. 

Even in the face of a world in crisis, a tremendous opportunity is always possible. You must choose to show up for yourselves, asking for the help and guidance that you need. Please hear us that when we say that peripheral understanding and healing sound bytes will not free you. Learning to create a new, nurtured experiences of the deeper truths that are seeded within you is required.

The path of the Soul is what you all seek, whether you know it or not. We will be with you in this time of erupting duality. Consider that this will be like releasing the toxic energy of an abscess that needs release and a nurturing response. Look clearly at the choices that are being acted out around you. Evaluate what serves and what clearly does not. You have been built with a potential to feel pain as a sacred gift, so that you could recognize when one of your choices is working against you.

When you put your hand on a hot stove, or blaming and shaming others around you, you feel pain. That is an attempt to interrupt the choices that do no serve you. Your accumulated pain is rising to the surface. The potential resolution that is also there at levels that the planet has never reached is also rising. 

Love, nurturing and mutual support require education and practice. We encourage you to seek out a specific process that will allow you to invest and deepen, enhancing your own life and the lives of those around you. You have mostly known the choices of a wounded child, even though this is not your conscious intention. But we want you to realize that it is true. It does not serve to mask that truth.

The truth shall set you free. Any wise parent will bring truth to the child, in order to serve the child. The choices of opposition, blame and shame—focusing on who is right and who is wrong—are the choices of a wounded child. it is time to show up and to grow up into the choices of love, value and mutual support. Seek the help you need. Show up for one another. Do the best you can today. And then take powerful next steps toward the more nurturing choices that serve you. The journey is taken one step at a time.

There is more support in everything that is happening than most of you have any idea how to recognize. We do not make these claims with blame, shame or judgment. We merely seek to clarify what you face in this year of erupting duality.

As always, we remind you to love one another, as you love yourself—the best you can today. Blessed be.”

— Archangel Gabriel

InspirationalRon Baker