WHY this Coronavirus: Perspectives We All Need to Consider

Image created by Sharon Maia Nichols

Image created by Sharon Maia Nichols

Hello Soul family…

Since the early 1990’s, I have been bringing through messages from my guides. Though I most often share
messages in my own words, based on what I have learned over the years — this particular message is so beautiful,
profound and needed at this time, I have decided to share it as a direct, channeled message.

I had not heard some of these particular perspectives before — such as WHY we have collectively manifested this particular virus. And I am personally thrilled to have more understanding in a time more associated with doubt and confusion.

Please consider sharing this with your friends and family. We need to come together in mutual support! And your help in reaching more people is INVALUABLE! Sending love to you all. Ron

You will read about the impact of cutting down the Amazon Rain Forest in this message. IF you want a way to help directly, here is an option of getting a gorgeous song and being able to contribute whatever you like….

A Message of Love from an Archangel

“Dear ones, We are pleased to be here with you, to have the opportunity to share with you some perspectives of love, wisdom and truth.

This time is unlike anything you have known on your planet. You are having a convergence of many things occurring at one time, which is how a culmination of true change often takes place. It is like a perfect storm in some ways. What you are now experiencing is a perfect convergence of endings and beginnings. It is a time of revealing who you have been and what has been out of balance.

In other words, the global interruption that you have been facing is providing a time for you to evaluate what has worked out well for you and what has set you up badly.

When we say, “badly,” we do not imply any judgment. You have such strong indicators of good and bad—even on the words, “good and bad.” How we define what has set you up badly is “that which has set you up for a more limited experience than what you would like to actually create in your lives.”
We could just as easily say that which produces pain and separation, rather than something pleasurable and clearly meaningful.

What we want you to understand is that one set of choices that you make typically serves your expansion into greater fulfillment; and another set of choices keeps you stuck in a particular “pocket of learning.”

There is nothing wrong and bad about being in a particular pocket of learning — even if you stay there for hundreds or thousands of years.
All of your choices are sacred. All experience is sacred. Actually, there is nothing in creation that is not sacred.

However, do you even begin to understand the truth of that statement?
And have your typical choices reflected that YOU hold your own life sacred?
Those answers will give you an important place to begin this exploration.

What we want you to understand is that you are all more powerful than you imagine.
And yet, if you remain trapped in the limited pocket of learning typically associated with wounded children, then you will separate yourself from the experience of personal empowerment.

IF you merely allow your supposed leaders to make your choices for you and then blindly follow, you will be responsible for creating the experience of wounded children.

The ones who have chosen positions of leadership so far—many of whom you resent—are merely playing out their particular commitments in the grid of collective experience. You could choose to do the same.

Either way, you are all here to learn from one another and with one another.
Mostly, you all reveal, inspire or trigger facets of Self and facets of Life in one another with every choice you make. “What I do impacts you. And what you do impacts me”
Either way, the choices that another person makes can only reveal what is already held inside you.

This is a crucial point to understand.

If you have a deep fear held inside you and another person makes a particular choice that triggers that fear to the surface, the wounded child in you may blame them or try to avoid them or may even seek to hurt/destroy them. But on a Soul level, when they reveal what is held inside you, it is a service to you on a Soul level.

In other words, whatever you discover about yourself gives you the opportunity to respond and nurture it — evolving whatever was stuck in fear into a new place of empowered understanding. That is how you all learn.

Perhaps if they hadn’t triggered your fear, you wouldn’t even know that it was held inside you.
Without the revelation, you couldn’t nurture or respond. You would just be stuck with it, and it would unconsciously impact your life.

These are the choices of wounded children. This is one limitation that is common for the “pocket of learning” that so many of you have been exploring for many lifetimes now.

To begin to see Life and the unfolding of your journeys as a revelation of Self is a more evolved, more empowered and more fulfilling approach. You can only know your true power by learning to connect to the inner Self… supported by the understanding that everything which takes place in your lives is mostly intended to be a revelation of Self.

Something happens. What do you discover? What comes up from the inside for you?
Everything ultimately happens to serve you and your learning — the awakening of Self.
Do you typically see Life this way? Or do you feel more trapped in the limited perspectives of a wounded child — afraid that you have no real choices and that you aren’t capable of improving your individual life?

You are capable of perceiving all of Life, from the simplest to the most evolved. And yet when you are only in third grade, you cannot easily see the perspectives or depths that you will see once you are in tenth grade.

Though the potential of a tenth grader is already held inside you when you are in third grade, to get there you must first take a series of perfect steps — showing up and developing your third grade Self. Only then can you awaken into your fourth grade Self.

Over time, awakening more and more of your individual consciousness is what is intended to take place. From child to empowered adult to inspired Soul.

Life is structured in Divine Order, and it is all configured in service to the awakening of Self. Your sacred Soul journeys.
You have the privilege of becoming proactive influences in your own awakening. But few of you know how at this point.

The planet has reached a time of development when you are all being encouraged to come together and to take some powerful next steps into greater potential — based on facing a challenge which is encouraging individuals to realize you actually NEED one another; and you need to show up for one another.

What is so rare about this moment is that Individuals are going through the same challenge at the same time across the globe.

You can all relate to one another much more fully than you have imagined. You are all ultimately the same — all sacred.
However, you have been in a school, with individuals at many different levels, learning different lessons, focused on different facets of Life, based on what your Souls most need to explore. And yet, you have rarely been focused on the same challenge at the same time.

This is an important seed that is encouraging UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, rather than the separated, defended consciousness of wounded children.

So let’s look more closely at your present challenge. What is a virus?

An anomaly that comes out of the DNA — which you might say is Life itself creating an interruption, an anomaly and a shake-up.
You actually have a constant release of virus energy on the planet. And yet this one has gotten the attention of the whole planet… a global interruption. Your bodies now need to assimilate something new, something foreign, something potentially threatening.

Where is this virus most commonly challenging individuals?
The lungs. The respiratory system.
The lungs represent your capacity to breathe in the joy of Life; and to create a reciprocal relationship with Life around you.

Many of you may not have been introduced to this level of interpreting Life and how it all works. We honor that most of you have been doing your best. You have simply never been encouraged and taught HOW to claim Self, to invest in Self, to trust the joy of the unfolding Self in a dance with Life itself. Without the joy of a reciprocal dance that includes Self (you) and Life itself, you have been limited—caught in a more limited “pocket of learning”.

To find out whether we are correct or not, simply look at the clues.

You are reciprocally dependent upon nature itself for your survival. Neither you nor the planet (in some ways) can truly thrive without the value and cooperation of the other — at least in its present form.

Humans all depend upon the oxygen provided by the trees that you have been cutting down at alarming rates, all in the name of building bigger and bigger things. What you may not have realized is that you are cutting down the respiratory system of the planet, without taking care or doing it in a balanced, responsible manner. Whether you have become clear or not, this is creating an immediate crisis — particularly now that you have begun to go after the Amazon Rain Forest.

Out of the imbalance you have created, you have now manifested a virus that is reflecting the imbalance of your collective choice—consuming and gratifying more than you are breathing in the joy of life… creating an imbalance, rather than giving back to Life as it continues to give to you. The virus is result, a direct manifestation of your wounded choices.

You are jeopardizing the amount of oxygen that you can breathe into your bodies.
collectively created as a direct reflection of your habitual choices.

Because Creator understood the need for checks and balances, your lives are created with a constant reflection of the inner and outer. You manifest in the outer world whatever is going on inside you. If you are fighting, you will manifest a fight. If you are loving, you will manifest places to love.

In this case, the virus is a reflection of your collective choices. And the ones that come out of the
limited pocket of wounded children desperately need an interruption. This virus has become a powerful way to get your attention.

You still have free will, but the universe is doing everything possible to interrupt the choices that set you up badly.

You are constantly creating and manifesting out of your own collective, cumulative choices. And like children, you need an interruption when you are putting yourself, one another or the planet in danger. The wounded child part of so many people has blindly moved forward, unaware of the of destruction that comes from an incessant yearning for consumption — even consuming the source, the planet herself.

The primary clue is not knowing HOW to invest in valuing your Self. If you cannot do that, then you cannot value one another or the planet.

This virus is an attempt to awaken you, so that you can face the fear that has held you in a “wounded child pocket.”
Life is always trying to reveal for you what you are doing. You have simply never been taught to interpet Life this way.
If it is fear that you hold, then this time of facing a coronavirus will have mostly brought up fear for you.
If you hold a capacity for joy and a nurturing response to everything that occurs, then that will be triggered and awakened.

If you are committed to love and value in your life, practice that. Your planet and your populations will gradually respond and learn.
IF you continue acting out from a child’s fear that you can never be fulfilled, you will only keep each other scared to death.

It is crucial that you learn how to take some responsibility that you have all been a part of the collective accumulation of choices.

What you need to do at this time is to learn how to invest in Self, finding out how to breathe in the joy of Life into your lungs… and then to explore all the ways that you can breathe back out to others and to the planet in generous willingness. This is what feeds the planet.

The air you breathe out is literally food for nature. You have been made reciprocal and interdependent so that you would have a way to see the immediacy of your beautiful relationship.

You have the power to enhance all of Life around you and you have the power to diminish it.
Evaluate your choices, dear ones. Evaluate.
Look at what you are learning from this virus, which is here as an intended interruption. It is not intended to be a destroyer.

Life itself is infused in the challenge of this virus. It is an anomaly and an aberration of health.

So ask yourself:What choices have you been making that perpetuate health—-that perpetuate a reciprocal investment in Life around you?
What choices have you been making to awaken Self, and then to invest that Self back into Life around you?
Where have you been committed to love and value?

Your planet has been on a collision course. The wounded child part of you all has been committed to a “pocket of learning” that will only allow you to reach a certain level of fulfillment.

However, you have avoided some of the gentler wake-up calls that have come your way. You have hunkered down, determined to remain like wounded children, consuming and distracting, going after your gratifications with very little value of Self or Life around you.

If you continue to make those choices, you will never know the profound potentials of meaning, value and purpose that are already held inside you — just as we have shared in the metaphor of third graders already holding the potential of their tenth-grade Self.

Believe us, there is more potential that you all hold as Souls than you can even imagine from your present perspectives and experiences.

No matter what you choose, know that all things are here to serve you.
Every facet of Life is sacred.
And it is up to you what you do with your free will, what you do with the profound gift of Life itself.

Know that you all have created this virus as a collective interruption, reflecting for yourselves what you have been doing — blocking the joy of Life and destroying the respiratory system of the planet.

And you all need to learn how to breathe in the joy of Life in gratitude, breathing that energy back out as an inspiration and encouragement, investing all that you are into one another and into the planet.

It is time to wake up, to interrupt this pocket of limited potential.

This virus is attempting to show you how you have impaired the reciprocal connection of flow between the abundant, empowered Self and the rest of creation.

And so we come to offer this message, as clearly as we know how to bring it. We also have great news…

There are those who have dedicated their lives to learning healthier alternatives and choices — who already have the tools, the compassion and the willingness to teach you, to guide you and to show the way into more of your own potential for fulfillment.

Seek them out. Make this investment in yourself. There is nothing to fear in learning to nurture and value Self!!!

Also keep in mind that if you do not wake up — responding and investing in greater joy and mutual value — you will create more and more destruction.
That option has also been handed to you, throughout creation on this planet. And the wounded child cries out, “How can God let this happen?”
Oh, dear children, wake up and choose more of the empowered potential that you all hold.

We encourage you, with every ounce of our being, to look to your hearts.
Seek the guidance that is there.
Reach out. Make an investment in your inner Self.
These are priceless choices; and they are crucial ones.
Nothing could be more important. Nothing.

As always, we wish you the highest potential for fulfillment. And yet, that has not been what you have typically chosen.

The planet is moving to a new level of consciousness — with you or without you.

The planet has the full energy of creation flowing through her.
And she has been serving you, ENDURING your collective learning curves; enduring the pocket of childish acting out, without learning how to value or recognizing the impact of your choices with a sense of responsibility for the most part.

We call you on these things to get your attention and to help you in the process of waking up — not to blame or condemn.

But we assure you that the planet has a capacity for survival. And she will play her part in protecting this sacred place called Earth — to be ready for the next level of Soul potential that could include you all.

Heaven on Earth. The Golden Age.There are so many references to this time that you have now reached. And this virus is merely giving you a crucial wake-up call. We wish you well.
Land in your hearts. Seek, ask, reach out to those who have prepared to lead, guide and nurture you into more of your potential.
Start breathing in the joy of Life. Heal your wounded lungs and respiratory system, both inside Self and on your planet.

Transcend the need for this virus and it will assimilate itself with great ease. It is all there to serve you.
But it will always reflect your collective choices back to you. That is how Life operates.

Keep in mind that the collective is created by individuals. You shift the collective by shifting as individuals!

Finally, do not allow the manipulation that is going on in the world—of fear—to separate you, to turn you against one another.

This agenda is being played out in many ways, by other wounded children on your planet.
Some of those are in positions of supposed leadership, but they are merely stuck in a limited pocket of learning.

Always remember that SO much more is possible.

It is in your hands. Choose well.
Blessed be.

IF you want more empowering information about the opportunities around the coronavirus, sign up for this popular Free 5-Video Series that we have been offering: A Wake-Up Call for the World

And don’t forget to help out, even in a very small way…

InspirationalRon Baker