Overview of 2020: Creating a New Collective Vision

  • In a world of accelerated change and confusion, I am happy that one of the things I get to bring to people around the world is the wisdom of Archangel Gabriel—clear, compassionate solutions and direction has been shared since 1990. In addition to reading this message, I also encourage you to go back and read Gabriel’s Overview of 2018 and 2019 to give you more confidence that you can count on the perspectives that are being shared.

“Dearly beloved Children of Light, as you know we are called Gabriel and as always, we are most joyous to be in your divine presence.

We come to speak to you about the year 2020—a year the holds the potential of much growth and awakening. It is a year that we will call “2020: Creating a New Collective Vision.” This is a time when you can take all of the clues that you have been gathering from the year of “shakeups” in 2018 and “reckoning” in 2019 to shape a new, more fulfilling vision.

There have been major activations taking place in the world for the last few decades, including a new cycle of shifts since 2012. This was the time when your planet moved through the center point of the Milky Way, also marked by the end of Mayan Calendar cycle of 26,000 years.

We encourage you to focus all that you have been learning in this time of unprecedented activations to deepen your new visions. In many ways, this will become a year that asks you to evaluate the kind of world that you want to create—starting with identifying what has been working well in your life and what has not. It will be a year to share with others what you are discovering is most important to you, including the kinds of experience that you want to create. It will be a time when you will need to come together with others who share similar values.

Joining together with others who stand for similar values is how you will create a more empowered impact in the world around you.

The world will be poised, focused on the United States in this election year. It will be a time when many ideas will be put on the table and many people will have strong opinions about what the “new vision” needs to be.

You have had a time of shakeups (2018), and have hopefully become clearer about your commitments (2019). And now it will be a time to stand in the power of your discoveries and truths—your individual truths—so that can now begin to come together in collective, shared truths. This is a time when you will find out where the majorities lie. You will find out who is willing to stand up for their priorities and who is still stuck in the survival choices of fear, shame and judgment.

The old pattern involves complaining and projecting, rather than standing in the truth of what actually matters to you, marked by exploring and considering the solutions that will serve the good of the whole. It will be a time of accelerated impact. Of course, no matter what you choose, you will still continue to experience a shake up any old, habitual approaches that do not inspire balance and the good of the whole. This is all a perfect part of the unfolding.

This will continue to be a time of accelerated discoveries, and there will be a continued need for adjustments in what you have known. Within that process, the specific choices you make will create a powerful impact in what will be. 

Many of you would like us to tell you what will happen in the election and we will certainly not project what we think the results will be. We are not here to give you psychic predictions. Instead, we are here to give you encouragements about “the way Life works,” as the channel likes to put it.

We are also here to give you an encouragement of energetic support and an understanding that your choices play an important role in the manifestations that will take place. You have lived in a world of rapid change, much of which is being caused by accelerating energies. When you understand how to direct the energies that are beginning to awaken in your bodies and in your world, you will be able to tap more of the your potential to impact the direction of your shifting world.

The first step that is most helpful is to become more consciously aware of Self and the priorities that truly matter to you as individuals. When you align with those values and make choices that move toward those experiences, you will align with the accelerating energies and have greater impact. In other words, we suggest that you are most powerful when you align with your deepest truths—your priorities, principles, values and preferences.

The second step that will be most helpful involves aligning with others who have similar values. Coming together will be extremely important in this year of 2020. The more you work together, the more powerful you become to impact the world around you with a collective vision.

Your Earth is gradually moving toward unity consciousness. However, unity consciousness can only take place with individuals who know how to value—starting with valuing yourselves as individuals. Only when you value yourself can you truly begin to value other individuals and the planet on which you live. Only when this process of value begins to grow will you start to come together, working for that which serves the good of the whole.

In order for that to take place, there are many wounded layers of fear, shame and judgment that still need to be faced. Many of you still live in the magical thinking of a child—standing back and hoping that others will create the results that you want. We want you to know that this will never work. You are more powerful than you imagine. However, many people become discouraged because they don’t know how to impact change on a big scale. We suggest that the place you build your confidence to inspire change is in your own life. By learning to nurture and value yourselves, you will discover the seeds of empowerment to impact the world on a bigger scale—coming together with others who are learning to do the same.

We are here to interrupt the childish approach of magical thinking, letting you know that you need to stand up. You need to come together, in order to form a collective resonance of the new visions you most want to create.

The resonance that is created by coming together in support of a common vision is quite different than what you have more commonly known in the world: the impact of control, domination and manipulation.
We suggest that when you begin to come together with a common set of principles and values—that you have found effective in your individual lives—you will inspire more people around you into similar approaches and solutions. This is how you will build a trust of common resonance.

We tell you these things in order to encourage you toward choices that bring you together, rather than inspiring greater division. Unity consciousness is all about the equality and value of all individuals. This is one of the most powerful energies or resonances that you can form. If you bring your what matters to you into a conversation, willing to listen to that which inspires others, you will begin to work toward more informed solutions that serve the good of the whole.

Until you decide to look for the value of all—even when you have disagreements—you will not move into the higher octaves of your potential. There are more fulfilling levels that are waiting to be revealed.

You are all more powerful than you realize. But until you connect into the energy of mutual value, you will remain disparate and disempowered. Until you come together in mutual value, you will not feel truly powerful.

Control, manipulation and domination have very little to do with power. They have merely been the choices developed in a world of wounded children, who have been waiting on others to deliver the results that they secretly prefer.

Control, manipulation and domination have ruled the day. And yet, those are not powerful energies. They are only effective in a world of fearful children. Because these approaches remind many of you what you experienced in your childhood years, you will need to learn how to awaken into your true adult potentials. This is why we have suggested that learning to value Self is the first important step. That is the path that will change your world.

We say these things with no coloration of judgment or shame. We merely point out what we perceive. And yet, if you see wisdom in interrupting the old game of controlling, manipulating, and dominating the children who have been too afraid to stand up for their principles and values, then prepare yourself. Identify what experiences are most important to you and encourage others to do the same.

Speak up, not to oppose, but to inspire the world with the truth and passion that become ignited when you become clear about what you value. Stand for those things. Move toward those experiences. Shout the truth about the experiences you wish for everyone from the hills. 

Come together, not to dominate and win. Come together to encourage and learn to work together as a team—creating a unification of similar values. Stand up and remember that others will need nurturing encouragement. Not force. Those who are not so in touch with themselves, who can’t yet identify what they truly value, need nurturing encouragement. Be careful not to present a new version of “my way is right and you need to see that.” Instead, share what is important to you and why. Ask others what experiences are important to them.

A more inclusive conversation will set the world up more effectively for that which serves the good of the whole. You need to learn these skills, all based on a new depth of value. 

You can be certain, this will be a year when you will be faced with opportunities to evaluate ideas and to respond. You will be immersed in a constant conversation about new directions. At the same time, you will see lots of old games being played.

If you want to truly stand out, stand in value. Move toward solutions that serve the good of the whole.

At this time of unprecedented acceleration and change, you are all learning to access and trust an entirely new depth of your potential. If you begin by getting in touch with the things that you truly value, then change can be exciting. This will be a year of clarifying a new vision, a collective vision. This is what we will say about the year of 2020.

As we take your most joyous leave, we remind you, as you are able, to love one another.”


InspirationalRon Baker